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HomeHomeProjetsProjetsStore : dévelop...Store : dévelop...My own PaymentGatewayProvider - OrderID doesnt increase after invoking invokePaymentSucceeded();My own PaymentGatewayProvider - OrderID doesnt increase after invoking invokePaymentSucceeded();
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30/07/2009 16:42

Hi, i have been struggling with getting the DNN Store (02.01.17) to increase the cart number/order id after i have finnished talking to my payment service. However, DNN Store reuses the same order id when i make a new order, why? What i found documentation about and what i thought i need to do is the following:

  1. Implement the code needed to talk to my payment service
  2. Once i have done whatever i needed to do, just call "invokePaymentSucceeded();" and DNN Store will update all its internal data and everyone will be happy... but it doesnt.

The following is the code that follows after i have received a "OK" from the payment service:

//Adds the order to the db...  why should i need to do this in the payment provider code??
OrderInfo orderInfo = CheckoutControl.GetFinalizedOrderInfo();

// Update the order status to Paid
OrderController orderController = new OrderController();
orderController.UpdateOrder(orderInfo.OrderID, orderInfo.OrderDate, orderInfo.OrderNumber, orderInfo.ShippingAddressID, orderInfo.BillingAddressID, orderInfo.Tax, orderInfo.ShippingCost, true, (int)OrderInfo.OrderStatusList.Paid, orderInfo.CustomerID);

// Clear the cart, why doesnt the store do this?

// Found documentation that this was the only thing left to do...

// Hide the graphics controls
PanelSoEasyPayPayment.Visible = false;


Please, what am i doing wrong and is there some documentation or source code regarding what i need to do? Right now i am fumbling in the dark because i cant find any real source code to a real and working payment gateway provider implementation.


In order for the Order ID to increase, you have to "Delete" the current cart.


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09/10/2009 15:37


Please use the last version 02.01.21 available at Codeplex! A lot of changes has been done in the chekout workflow.


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09/10/2009 15:47

YES ! ... a lot !

;-) Gilles



HomeHomeProjetsProjetsStore : dévelop...Store : dévelop...My own PaymentGatewayProvider - OrderID doesnt increase after invoking invokePaymentSucceeded();My own PaymentGatewayProvider - OrderID doesnt increase after invoking invokePaymentSucceeded();